Residential Treatment
Residential Treatment Homes
Both homes are rurally located with natural landscapes to explore. Our homes are primarily for folks experiencing serious mental health challenges, but can be co-occurring with substance use disorder secondary. Our homes provide onsite mental health and substance use disorder treatment, peer support from all house staff, and access to all of our specialized groups and programs. Admission criteria and processes are structured differently for each home.
Lotus House
Lotus House is a Peer-run, rurally located, 16 bed home-like, Residential Treatment Facility serving individuals under the Psychiatric Security Review Board and in the Lane County Choice Program.
Eligibility is dependent on a person's involvement with the PSRB and readiness for community placement OR participation in the Lane County Behavioral Health Choice Program. We are only accepting residents from those two populations at this time. Approximate Opening Date: Fall/Winter 2024
Individual MH Therapy and SUD Treatment
Group therapy
Daily peer support
Movement/Exercise/Healing Sessions and Groups
Access to Equine-Assisted Peer Support
Onsite Vehicle Rehabilitation Program
Onsite Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation (domestic and farm)
Garden Therapy
Art Therapy
Wilderness and Adventure Program
Optional Nutrition Planning/Coaching
Onsite Exercise/Weight Room
Rural, forested property
Private bedrooms for each resident, shared bathrooms
Three meals per day provided
Restwell House
Restwell House is a Peer-run, rurally located, 5 bed, Residential Treatment Home for Young Adults in Transition, aged 17.5-24 years old.
Eligibility is dependent upon age (17.5-24 years old) and the person's involvement in various systems (Child Welfare, Department of Youth Services, Children's Residential Programs, Houselessness, etc) or a history of involvement. Visit Oregon.Gov - Child and Family Behavioral Health for referral information and process. The Restwell House is not yet open and will be listed on the OHA website when an opening date is established (Approx. Fall/Winter 2024).
Individual MH Therapy and SUD Treatment
Group therapy
Daily peer support
Access to Movement/Exercise/Healing Sessions and Groups
Onsite Equine-Assisted Peer Support
Access to Vehicle Rehabilitation Program
Onsite Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation (domestic and farm)
Garden Therapy
Art Therapy
Wilderness and Adventure Program
Optional Nutrition Planning/Coaching
Access to Exercise/Weight Room
Rural, forested property
Hot Tub and Sauna
Private bedrooms for each resident, shared bathrooms
Three meals per day provided